迪士尼动话画片《海底总动员》是孩子近来最喜爱的动画片之一。在课间活动中,我们经常发现孩子们滋滋有味地谈论起《海底总动员》里面的情景和人物。于是,我们马上从孩子的兴趣出发,生成了以“海洋世界”为主题的探餮芯炕疃?。英语活动??/SPAN>Go to the sea world是其中的一个分支活动。我们通过创设“海洋世界”的场景,带领孩子去寻找海底的生物,接着带上头饰变成自己喜爱的海洋动物,以角色的身份投入在活动中,让孩子在环境、游戏的互动中复习或习得Ilove …I“m …This is …That”s …This is my good friend It“s …He\she”s …等等句型,并尝试运用英语进行交往,体验运用英语交往带来的快乐。最后,我们利用“看图读和做”的游戏,让孩子进行听、认、说、演等综合练习,使英语活动推向另一个高潮!
二、 体验与朋友交往的乐趣,培养幼儿乐于运用英语进行表达。
一、 布置海底世界的场景。
二、 课件“海洋世界”。
一、律动:“Go to the sea world”
T: Today, Let“s go to the sea world .
T: Look!Here we are,The bottom of sea.
T&C: The bottom of sea.
T: Hey!Who is coming?(老师演示课件)
T&C: It”s a turtlecrab clown fishsea starsea horse.
T: It has eight hands, Soft body! Who is it?
T&C: It“s an octopus!
T: It”s clown fish“s good friend. Clown fish always hide in it,
who is it? (鼓励幼儿大胆猜想后演示课件)
T&C: It”s a sea anemone.
T: It has two big wings and a long tail. It can swim fast. Who is
it? (鼓励幼儿大胆猜想后演示课件)
T&C: It“s a ray.
三、 游戏”Play hide-and-seek“
T: Look! What”s the animal under the magnifying glass.
T&C: It“s an octopus a sea anemone a ray.
T: The sea animals are hiding! Let”s find them and tell me :“Who is it?”
T: Now, Let“s put on the headbands. Very good! We become lovely sea animals.
T: Who are you?
T&C: I”m a…….
四、 音乐游戏:Skip to my Lou
1、Ok! Do you have any good friends? Look! The sea star has a good friend. Who is it?
(利用课件演示海星与章鱼互相介绍的语言:This is my good friend , He\she is….)
T: Let“s sing and make friends:
Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou, Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou, Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou, Skip to my darling.
T: “Let”s shake hands“when the music is over,Introduce your friend:This is my good friend , He\she is….
T: What do you want to do with your friends?
T&C: Share the foodsingdancego shoppinggo to the partyplay together……(鼓励幼儿发散思维)
五、看图读和演:Act out the book
T: Take a look !I have a big book!Let”s do as the animals do and please tell others what you are doing.
(老师出示图文并茂的大图书,让幼儿在音乐中看图、读和演。内容有:We are swimming. We are eating. We are turning round.We are blowing bubbles.We are sleeping.We are dancing.We are singing.)