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发表于 2016-8-10 18:05:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. 限定用法:形容词紧靠着〔代)名词,直接修饰该〔代)名词。
          (1) 前位修饰:
          (A) 字尾为en或表比较的形容词,大多只能作限定用法,放在名词的前面。
          a wooden leg; earthen ware; his elder sister; the upper room, etc.
          (B) 下列这些形容词只有限定用法,没有叙述用法。
          upper; former; latter; outer; inner; utmost; mere; only; utter; main; certain; very; live; spare;
          (C) 形容词前有so; no; too; how等字时,不定冠词应放在形容词之后。
          He could not do it in so short a time.
          He is no less remarkable a man than his elder brother (is).
          (2) 后位修饰:
          (A) 名词之后的数词+名词+old; long; high; wide; deep; etc.
          a man eighty-five years old; a river two hundred miles long;
          (B) 为加强语气或音调美,而将限定形容词放在后面。
          He had a face thin and worn, but eager and resolute.
          (C) something; anything; everyone; anybody... + 形容词。
          I'll tell you something very important.
          That's nothing new.
          D) 由形容词子句省略主词和动词而不的过去(或现在)分词或形容词片语。
          I have answered all the letters (which were) received (by me).
          Alfred was a king anxious for his people's welfare.
          2. 叙述用法:形容词作补语,间接地修饰〔代)名词。
          He was awake all the night. 〔主词补语)
          The noise kept me awake. 〔受词补语)
          I have many trustworthy friends. 和 All of my friends are trustworthy.
          It was a hot and sultry day. 和 The weather became hot and sultry.
          3. 作补语的形容词:
          (1) be+形容词+介系词:由此结合而成的片语,有些等于及物动词。
          I am fond of skiing. = I like skiing.
          He is afraid of it. = He fears it.
          注:其他如:be capable of; be concerned with; be (un)familiar with (to); be late for; be subject to; be worthy of; etc.
          (2) 某些已转化为形容词的过去分词,其后通常接at; about; with; in; of等介词。
          John is interested in English grammar.
          He was surprised at her behaviour.
          (3) be+形容词+介系词:可接〔代)名词,动名词,或名词子句,但名词子句若是that子句须省略介词,因that子句不可直接作介词的受词。
          She was not aware of the facts.
          She was not aware (of) how much her husband earned.
          She was not aware that there is danger.
          (4) It+ be +形容词+that子句
          It is true that she never came.
          此类形容词有:certain; likely; obvious; plain; possible; true; etc.
          (A) that子句中的假设法。
          It is appropriate that he (should) get the post. (should可省略〕
          (B) 人称形容词亦可接其他连接词引导的子句。
          I'm not sure why he came.
          I'm not clear where she went.
          4. 有关worth; worth while; worthy的句型 如下:
          (A) 主词(含it) + be worth + (动)名词
          (B) It(虚主词) + be worth while + 不定词或动名词
          (C) 主词 + be worthy + of + (动)名词
          主词 + be worthy + 不定词
          his book is worth reading. (= It is worth while to read this book. = This book is worthy of reading. = This book is worthy to be read.)
          5. like和as: like只能作介词不能作连接词; as则两者都可。
          I hoped to succeed as you have (succeeded).
          I hoped to succeed like you.
          I hope to succeed *like you have. (like作连词是非正式的用法)

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