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六年级下学期英语说课稿怎么写:Unit 5 Our earth looks like









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发表于 2017-3-29 19:45:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  教学内容或课题 Unit 5 Our earth looks like this from space. Period 1
          教 学
          目 标 1.能理解、会说新单词earth, land and river, Space Museum, the sun, stars, the moon.2.掌握并能运用句型“look like…”能力目标: 能在图片和关键词的帮助下理解课文内容,并能带有感情朗读课文。情感目标:通过对课文的学习,让学生初步了解有关太空的知识,提高学习英语的兴趣,激发学科学、爱科学、用科学的热情。
          教 学 重 点
          难 点 掌握新词、难句。
          教 学 准 备 Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument
          课 时 安 排 共三课时 上课时间
          教学过程设计和安排 ★教学再设计
          Step 1 Warming up
          1.Greetings. T: Hello, everyone. Nice to see you! Ss: Nice to see you too!
          2.Sing a song. T: Let’s sing a song together, OK?
          Ss: OK!
          Sing the song “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
          Step 2 Presentation and drill
          1.Teach the new wards
          (1) 导入
          T: What can you see in the movie? S: I can see many stars.
          T: Yes.Where are the stars? S: They are in the sky.
          (2)(幻灯出示太空景色图片) T: Look! This is space! There are so many beautiful stars in space. They make up space. 板书并教学单词stars, , space.(注意:世界上独一无二的物的名称前要用the)
          T:(指着太空图片)What are in space? S: Stars, the moon, the sun
          T: Yes, you are right. There are many beautiful stars in space including the sun, the moon, the earth and so on. Look! What’s this? (幻灯出示地球图片) Ss: It’s the earth. T: Yes, it’s the earth. It’s the place we are living.
          板书并教学单词the earth
          T: Our earth looks like this from space.(板书课题) It looks like a ball. You can see the land and river.
          板书并教学单词look like, land and river
          (3) 教学look like (出示一张状似小猫的电话图片)
          T:What’s this? Ss: It’s a telephone.
          T:What does it look like? Ss: It looks like a cat.
          T:What’s this? S: It’s a light.
          T: What does it look like? S: It looks like a panda.
          T: What does our earth look like? S: It looks like a ball.
          T: Can you make a sentence with “look like”? Such as “It looks like…” S: ……
          (4)幻灯出示太空景色图片。 T:Look!Space is so beautiful. It’s very magic and mysterious. I like space, I am very interested in space.
          板书并教学单词be interested in
          T: Are you interested in space? Ss: Yes.
          T: Peter is very interested in space too. Last Sunday, Peter and his mother went to the Space Museum.
          T: (幻灯出示太空博物馆的图片)Look! This is the Space Museum. 板书并教学单词Space Museum.
          2. Games (Revise the new wards)
          Step 3 Reading and listening
          1. 看图片,说一说。 CAI展示课文中的几幅插图,指导学生谈论谈论这些图片。
          2. 学生快速阅读课文,回答问题。
          T: In the Space Museum. What did Peter and his mother do? What did Peter and his mother see? Now, read the text by yourselves and find out the answers.

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