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发表于 2016-8-10 18:04:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          (    )1.A.two      B.ruler       C.broom       D.goodbye
          (    )2.A.hat       B.black      C.game        D.cat
          (    )3.A.jeep      B.orange     C.age          D.bag
          (    )4.A.team      B.head      C.see          D.please
          (    )5.A.have      B.cake       C.grade       D.today
          (    )6.A.put       B.duty       C.good        D.woman
          (    )7.A.give      B.right       C.English      D.picture
          (    )8.A.apple     B.ask        C.father        D.banana
          (    )9.A.Chinese   B.chair       C.teacher       D.school
          (    )10.A.them     B.thank      C.father        D.that
          (    )1.shirt         shoe          English        she
          (    )2.nice         light          white          five
          (    )3.but          cup           under          mum
          (    )4.bird         girl           her             thirteen
          (    )5.white        what          which           where
          (    )6.you          yes           yellow          young
          (    )7.coat         picture         cake            cat
          (    )8.ten          desk           pen             twelve
          (    )9.green        good           give            bag
          (    )10.orange      wrong          sorry            clock
          1.box_________   2.pencil-box__________3.bus__________
          4.man__________ 5.woman __________  6.boy_________
          7.coat__________ 8.watch__________
          1.fr__ __ nd(         )          2.b__h__nd(    )
          3.p __ ct __ re(         )         4.st__d__nt(    )
          5.ab __ __ t(        )            6.c _ _ t(    )
          7.s __ster(         )              8.m _ _ t(    )
          9.What are th __se? Th _____' re b ____ ds.(             )
          10.I can' t f _ nd my w__ tch(    )     11.th_ir sh__es(      )
          12.so __e fl ___ ers (   )            13.pl ____ g _ mes(     )
          14.Th _ y are y __ ur b __ kes.(     )
          1.their(同音词)________     2.white(反义词)____________
          3.they(宾格)____________   4.different(反义词)____________
          5.us(主格)____________     6.am(原形)____________
          7.Chinese(名词)_________   8.class(复数)____________
          9.me(主格)____________    10.can' t(音标)[__]
          11.here(反义词)__________  12.too(同音词)____________
          (    )1.足球    A.basketball   B.ball     C.football    D.flower
          (    )2.桌子    A.window    B.table     C.door      D.room
          (    )3.女儿   A.daughter    B.sister    C.brother    D.afternoon
          (    )4.手表    A.what       B.watch    C.match    D.window
          (    )5.三十    A.thirteen     B.fourteen   C.thirty    D.three
          (    )6.衬衫    A.skirt        B.shirt     C.shoe     D.blouse
          (    )7.照片   A.game       B.picture    C.doll      D.photo
          (    )8.他们的  A.its      B.their   C.they      D.them
          1.The blouse is green.(对划线部分提问)
          __________  __________is the blouse?
          2.It' s eight thirty-five.对划线部分提问)
          ____________________________the time?
          3.The woman is Han Meimei' s mother.(对划线部分提问)
          __________is Han Meimei' s mother?
          4.We can see some pictures in the room.(对划线部分提问)
          __________ __________  you__________in the room?
          5.I' m fifteen.(对划线部分提问)
          ________  _______  _____________you?
          6.That is an orange bus.(改为复数形式)
          ________  ____________orange__________.
          7.Is that cat black and white?(改为陈述句)
          ___________ _________  ___________black and white.
          8.Those are pictures of their families.(改为单数形式)
          ____________________is a picture of his_________.
          9. Those are their Chinese books.(改为一般疑问句)
          __________ __________their Chinese books?
          10. This is my pencil-box.(改为意思相同的句子)
          This__________ is_________.
          11.I am Miss Gao.(改为否定句)
          __________   __________Miss Gao.
          12.Thoes are English books.(对划线部分提问)
          __________are those?
          A:Model: all they here are→They are all here.
          1.Mr White, and, good, are, friends, Mr Black
          2.clock, on, desk, is, Lily' s, her, too
          3.they, in, pencil-box, think, are, I, her
          4.black, their, cars, are
          B:Model: yellow coats their are→Are their coats yellow?
          1.their, what, shirts, are, colour
          2.is, it, Li Lei' s, sweater
          3.the, box, yellow, are, the oranges, in
          4.the, they, same, all, school, are, in
          (    )1.This is__________dress. It isn' t__________.
          A.my, your     B.my, yours     C.my, you     D.he, hers
          (    )2.Lily is a new student.__________is English.
          A.He          B.She          C.Her         D.His
          (    )3.Jim and I__________ students. We__________in the same class.
          A.are, are      B.am, are       C.are, is       D.is, are
          (    )4.-__________the bike?
          -Look! It' s under the tree.
          A.Where is     B.Where are    C.What is     D.What are
          (    )5.-__________your brother here?
          -__________,he isn' t here.
          A.Is, Yes       B.Are, No       C.Are, Yes    D.Is, No
          (    )6.-What is thirty and twelve?
          -It' s  ___________.
          A.fourty-one     B.forty-two      C.forty-one     D.forty two
          (    )7.-Excuse me, Jack. Where is the bus?
          A.In the tree     B.On the tree     C.Near the tree   D.In tree
          (    )8.Look, that' s __________apple here. Under__________tree, you can see
          A.an, a, the  B.a, the, a     C.an, the, a   D.the, a, an
          (    )9.-__________is the time?
          -__________is about seven twenty-five.
          A.Which, It    B.What, This   C.What, It    D.Where, It
          (    )10.__________are good friends.
          A.I and he    B.He and I      C.I and his    D.He and my
          (    )11.-Who is the young man?
          -He' s__________.
          A.twenty      B.a teacher      C.my brother  D.in the room
          (    )12.The coat__________like__________.
          A.looks, hers   B.look, her      C.looks, her    D.look, she' s
          (    )13.-Can I see your photo?
          A.Thank you  B.Give you      C.Here you are   D.You are here
          (    )14.__________look__________the blackboard.
          A.Let, at      B.Let' s, at      C.Lets, like    D.let, on
          (    )15.-Is her sister a teacher or a student?
          A.No, she' s a teacher            B.No, she isn' t a teacher
          C.She' s a student                 D.Yes, she' s a teacher
          (    )16.What' s__________the picture?
          A.in           B.after          C.over         D.about
          (    )17.-Is this watch__________?
          -No, it isn' t. It' s__________.
          A.your, his    B.yours, his     C.you, his     D.yours, she' s
          (    )18.-Thank you.
          A.That' s right                   B.All right
          C.Not thank                     D.That' s all right
          (    )19. That' s__________jeep. It' s a car.
          A.a not       B.not           C.not a        D.not an
          (    )20.-What' s that on the floor?
          -It' s__________orange.
          A.an          B.a             C.the         D.this
          1.-How old are you?
          -___________________. (Fine, thank you; I' m twelve)
          2.-What' s the time?
          - ____________________. (It' s fine; It' s five)
          3.-Who' s the woman?
          -___________________? (Where; Which woman)
          4.-Is this your sister?
          -____________________(Yes, she is; She is Lucy)
          5.-What colour is the skirt?
          -____________________. (It' s white; It' s a dress)
          6.-___________________ ? (Who are they; Whose are they)
          -They are mine.
          7.-Who' s on duty today?
          -___________________. (Yes, I am; I am)
          8.-Are the twins eleven?
          -____________________. (The twins are young; Yes, they are)
          9.-____________________? (What' s on the floor; Where' s the blouse)
          -It' s on the floor.
          10.-Jim, your picture is very good.
          -____________________. (Oh, thank you; Oh no,it isn' t)
          1.The brooms are__________(在……后面)the door.
          2.Her shoes are__________(在……下面)the bed.
          3.Please__________(坐下)over there.
          4.Who' s that? That' s__________(李老师的弟弟)
          5.I think he' s__________(在家)
          6.Please__________(看) the blackboard.
          1.A:What' s the time, please? (12∶00)
          B:_________   ___________.
          2.A:Excuse me! Who' s the man?
          A:_________  ___________  on the bus.
          B:Oh,__________ my father.
          3.A:What__________these? (苹果)
          B:They are__________________.
          4.A:Can you see my football?
          B:Is it on your desk?
          A:__________, it isn' t.
          B:Oh, it' s_____  ______________

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