小学教育网 发表于 2018-2-2 20:06:30


          Although seemingly trivial and superficial, small talk is the starting point of all relationships. Romances and friendships begin with small talk. In a more pragmatic light, you can't avoid it. Getting a job, working with colleagues, winning new clients–all of it requires small talk.
          In a time where a big part of our lives has moved online, the art of small talk is elusive and mysterious. The awkward experience of feeling like a total outsider at a social function, such as a company event or a dinner party, is shared by many of us.
          文中的small talk就是“闲聊”的意思。small看似一个普普通通的词,却可以和其他单词组合成一些有趣的词组和习惯用法,又如small hours 凌晨时分、small potato 小人物,小事情等。
          另外,第一段中的pragmatic作形容词,解释为“实际的”,例如:pragmatic approach 实际的方法、pragmatic innovation 务实创新等。这里的light不解释为“光线”,它的意思是“角度、眼光”,又如in a different light 以不同的看法,in a new light 用新的眼光等。
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