小学教育网 发表于 2018-2-2 20:05:54


  1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。
          时间状语: every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday
          I leave home for school at 7 every morning.
          2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。
          The earth moves around the sun.
          Shanghai lies in the east of China.
          3) 表示格言或警句中。
          Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。
          例:Columbus proved that the earth is round..
          4) 现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。
          I don't want so much.
          Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.
          1. Now I put the sugar in the cup.?? 2. I am doing my homework now.
          第一句用一般现在时,用于操作演示或指导说明的示范性动作,表示言行的瞬间动作。再如:Now watch me, I switch on the current and stand back. 第二句中的now是进行时的标志,表示正在进行的动作的客观状况,所以后句用现在进行时。
          1. We often___________(play) on the playgound.
          2. He _________(get) up at six o’clock.
          3. __________you _________(brush) your teeth every morning.
          4. What____ (do) he usually _____(do) after school?
          5. Danny _______(study) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school.
          6. Mike sometimes __________(go) to the park with his sister.
          7. At eight at night, she ________(watch) TV with his parents.
          8. ________ Mike________(read) English every day?
          9. How many lessons ______your classmate____(have) on Monday?
          10. What time ____his mother_________(do) the housework?
          11. He often ______(have) dinner at home. 12. Daniel and Tommy___ (be) in Class One.
          13. We____ (not watch) TV on Monday. 14. Nick _____(not go) to the zoo on Sunday.
          15. They______ (like) the World Cup? 16. What ____they often ____(do) on Saturdays
          一般现在时(simple tense)拆开来讲就是:
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查看完整版本: 小学英语时态语法:一般现在时语法解析