小学教育网 发表于 2016-8-10 22:52:53

小学英语单词趣谈:be taken aback

  be taken aback 大吃一惊
          The Manager was taken aback at the news that some company had already launched the product into the market. (当经理得知某公司已经把该产品投放市场时,他不禁大吃一惊。)
          Mary: Do you know what Jack has done to John’s daughter?
          Sandy: Yeah. But I was completely taken aback at the news that he had killed Jenny.
          Mary: That has taken many people by surprise. Nobody could believe that Jack would kill Jenny with whom he had been getting on like a house on fire.(交往得火热)
          Sandy: No! And I can’t imagine how terrible John would feel.
          Mary: He can’t be more saddened. Jenny was the apple of his eye,(他的掌上明珠) you know.
          Sandy: Sure. The news is too much to bear. And Jenny’s mum must have been knocked into the middle of next week (被打得不省人事)by the news.
          Mary: Well, better talk about something else. I can’t put up with this sort of violence.
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