小学教育网 发表于 2016-8-10 18:06:02


  There aren't any bananas in the fridge, but there are some potatoes.
          What did you do last Sunday? 上周日你做了些什么?
          I did many things. I went to a park. I watched TV. 我做了很多事。我去了公园,又看了电视。
          Did you have a good time last Sunday? Yes, I did.上周日你玩的开心吗? 是的。
          Who is your best friend? Daisy is my best friend你最好的朋友是谁?戴茜。
          She is only seven years old. She lives on a small farm.她只有七岁。 她住在小农场里。
          Which floor do you live on? I live on the tenth floor.你住在哪一楼? 十楼。
          Where does Sam live? 萨姆住在哪儿?
          He lives in a tall building. 他住在一座大楼里。
          Shall I wash my socks? Yes, please.我可以洗我的袜子吗? 可以。
          Shall I carry the bag for you? 我帮你带这个包好吗?
          No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。
          This carrot is too big. It's heavy. 这个萝卜太大了,很重。
          Would you like some apples? 你想要些苹果吗
          Yes, I'd love to. No, thank you.?是的。 不,谢谢。
          What does the man want to have.? 男人想要什么?
          Which bedroom does the man choose? 男人会选哪个房间?
          What pets does the woman want? 女人想要哪个宠物?
          What do you like doing best? I like playing tennis. 你最喜欢干什么? 打网球。
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