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《新标准英语》第十二册 M6 U2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou教案

                                        The Ss are able to listen , repeat and understand the dialog through the activities: reading comprehension, listen and repeat.
                                        The Ss are able to understand and use the base sentences through the activity “Listen and point” :   The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou.it took...into space.
                                        The Ss are able to sing the song and play the game.
                                        ▲The Ss are able to understand and use the base sentences through the activity
                                       The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou. It took…into space.
                                        The Ss are able to make a model of Chinese spaceship.
                                        The Ss are able to make a model of Chinese spaceship.
                                        The Ss are proud of China.
                                        The Ss are proud of China.
                                        1.TB:P24 Listen and repeat, listen and point,listen and say the poem. Game.
                                        2. AB: Exercise 1on P24.
                                       1.TB:P25 1. Listen and say. Then say the poem
                                                    2. Game. Finish my sentence.
                                        2. AB: P25.
                                        1. Warm up:
                                        Sing the English song on P25 together.
                                        2. Review:
                                        A.    Review all the new words of last lesson.
                                       present, space travel, spaceship, interested, Russia, paper, sent
                                        Read all the words together and read them one by one.
                                        B.    Review the text:
                                       Listen, point and repeat the dialog.
                                        C. Have the Ss act out the dialog in class.
                                        Have three groups show in class.
                                        【Review the knowledge that we have learned and concern with the new knowledge.】
                                        3. Presentation:
                                        Now let’s learn M6 U2, The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou.
                                        1) Read the passage yourself, and answer these questions.
                                        a. What did Daming and Simon make?
                                        b. What is the name of the spaceship?
                                        Have the Ss read the passage and answer these two questions.
                                        They made a model of a Chinese spaceship.
                                        The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou.
                                        2) Read the passage again and answer these questions.
                                        a. What did the spaceship take into space first?
                                        b. When did the spaceship take the first Chinese
                                        person into space?
                                        Have the Ss read the passage and answer these two questions.
                                        It took a monkey, a dog and a rabbit into space.
                                        In 2003.
                                        4. Practise:
                                        1)Listen , point and repeat.
                                        2) Read activity one themselves.
                                        3) Read activity 2 yourself, underline all the new words.
                                        a. roll卷起来 stick粘 top顶端 wings机翼
                                        b. Finish the activity book of this activity.
                                        c. Close the books and order the sentences.
                                        Draw and colour the Chinese flag on your spaceship.   (   )
                                        Make the wings. Stick them on.                  (   )
                                        Roll the paper. Then stick it together.                               (   )
                                        Make the top. Stick it on.   (   )
                                        5. Consolidation:
                                       Finish the activity book of this part.
                                        1. Warm up:
                                        Sing the English song on P25 together.
                                        2. Review:
                                        C.    Review all the new words of last lesson.
                                        present, space travel, spaceship, interested, Russia, paper, sent, person, model
                                        Read all the words together and read them one by one.
                                        D.    Review the text:
                                       Listen, point and repeat activity 1.
                                        【Review the knowledge that we have learned and concern with the new knowledge.】
                                        3. Presentation:
                                        1) Game:
                                        Guess the present.
                                        I bought a present for you. What is it? Guess!
                                        Did you buy me a …?
                                        Yes. \ No.
                                        2) Pair work.
                                        Have the Ss practice in pairs.
                                        【Present the new knowledge through the knowledge we have learned. 】
                                        4. Practise:
                                        1)    Read and complete.
                                        a.    _______is having a birthday.
                                        b.    Daming is _________at the party.
                                        c.    Daming has to stop because ________.
                                        d.    ________is singing at the party.
                                        5. Consolidation:
                                        Complete the text.
                                        Daming and Simon made a Chinese__________. It is called Shenzhou. First it took a _______, a______, a_______. Then, in 2003, it took China’s first ________ into__________.
                                        Answer the questions.
                                        1)    The light in the day comes from_______.
                                        2)    You travel to space in _______.
                                        3)    The person on a spaceship is__________.
                                        4)    The country Shenzhou comes from is_________.
                                        5)    Simon’s mum gave Daming a __________.
                                        6)   You can see ______and the moon in the night sky.
                                        7)    The county Simon comes from is ________.
                                        8)    There is a Chinese ____-. It was on Shenzhou. It is red with five yellow stars.
                                        9)    People from China is ___________.
                                        10)Daming and Simon made a ________spaceship.
                                        【Consolidate the knowledge we learned today. 】
                                        1. Listen , point and repeat activity 1 ten times.
                                        2. Copy and translate the passage.
                                        1. Finish the exercises in the exercise book.
                                        2. Composition. My Weekend. (At least ten sentences)
                                        M6 U2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou.
                                        M6 U2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou.
                                        Did you buy …for me?
                                        Yes, …
                                        No, …

        《新标准英语》第十二册 M3 U2 We are having our picnic教案
        《新标准英语》第十二册 M3 U1 I took some photos教案
        《新标准英语》第十二册 Module 1 Unit1 I want a hot dog教案
        《新标准英语》第十二册M2 U2 It’s going to rain教案
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