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小学英语第九册 Module3 Unit 1 Today is Halloween教案

                                                1.      The Ss are able to listen, say ,read the words:
                                       autumn, festival, really, fun, houses, scare
                                        2. The Ss are able to listen, say ,read the base sentences:It’s an autumn festival. It’s really fun.
                                        They go to people’s houses
                                        They scare the people.
                                        3. The Ss are able to understand the dialog.
                                        1. The Ss are able to read the dialog correctly and fluently, act out the dialog and retell the dialog .
                                        2. The Ss are able to listen, say , read and write the words: autumn, festival, really, fun, houses, scare
                                        3. The Ss are able to listen , say , read and use the base sentences:It’s an autumn festival. It’s really fun.
                                        They go to people’s houses
                                        They scare the people.
                                        The Ss are able to know the festival Halloween .
                                        The Ss are able to know the festival Halloween .
                                        The Ss are able to like to know the foreign cultures.
                                        The Ss are able to like to know the foreign cultures.
                                        1.TB:P10, 11 Listen, point and find “they”. Listen and say. .Practise.
                                        2. AB: Exercise 1on P10.
                                        1. TB:P11 . Listen and say. Practise.
                                        2.AB:P11 2, 3,4
                                        1. Warm up:
                                        Say the chant together. (on P13)
                                        2. Review:
                                        Show a picture of a supermarket, have the Ss describe the supermarket.
                                        【Review the knowledge we have learned and prepare for today’s new knowledge.】
                                        3. Presentation:
                                        Today we will learn M3 U1, let’s watch the video, pay attention, “What are they talking about?” (Present the question on the screen) have the Ss watch the video and answer the question.
                                        Yes, they are talking about “Halloween”. (introduce this festival)
                                        Let’s watch the first part, pay attention, “When is Halloween?” (Present the question on the screen) have the Ss watch the video and answer the question.
                                        It’s in autumn, it’s on Oct.31st. (Pay attention to “autumn”)
                                        3)Look at this picture. What can you see in the picture? There are hats. There are scary clothes and masks.(have the Ss describe the picture) (pay attention to these words, “scary, mask”)
                                        now let’s watch this part, listen and repeat.
                                        4) Now let’s watch next part, then let’s order these three sentences:
                                        () And they scare the people. They say, “Whooooo!”
                                        () Then the people give them sweets.
                                        () And they go to people’s houses.
                                        Let’s watch the video and check the answer.
                                        5) Now let’s watch the last part , let’s see how do they celebrate Halloween.
                                        【Have the Ss understand the new dialog through these activities.】
                                        4. Practise:
                                        1) Listen and point.
                                        Listen , point and find “they”.
                                        Listen , point and repeat.
                                        4)Read the dialog in roles.
                                       in three-student group
                                       【Help the Ss read the dialog fluently.】
                                        1. Warm up:
                                        Say the chant together. (on P13)
                                        2. Review:
                                        Review all the new words of last lesson.
                                        autumn, festival, really, fun, scare, houses, scare
                                       Read all the words together and read them one by one.
                                        B. Review the text of last lesson:
                                        Listen , point and repeat.
                                        Pair work
                                       Have the Ss read the text in roles.
                                        C. Check the Ss’s oral English homework.
                                        【Review the knowledge we have learned.】
                                        3. Presentation:
                                        Look at this picture, ( show on the screen) what festival is it?
                                       Yes, it’s Halloween. When is it?
                                       Yes, it’s in autumn. So it’s an autumn festival. (show on the Bb)
                                       It’s really fun. (show on the Bb)
                                        Have the Ss read together and read one by one.
                                        Present the other two base sentences:
                                        Look at the picture, what do children do at Halloween?
                                        Yes, they go to people’s houses. (show on the Bb, pay attention to ‘houses’)
                                        And they scare the people. (show on the Bb, pay attention to ‘scare’)(read together and one by one)
                                        【Consolidate the new knowledge that we have learned yesterday. 】
                                        4. Practise:
                                        Finish activity 3 on P11.
                                        Point , ask and answer.
                                        A: What do children do at Halloween?
                                        B: They wear scary clothes.
                                          They go to people’s houses.
                                       They scare the people.
                                          They say , “Whooooooo!”
                                        A: What do the people do?
                                        B: They give them sweets.
                                       Have some students say first. Then have the Ss practise in pairs. Have three groups show in class.
                                        5. Consolidation:
                                       Finish the activity book of this part.
                                        1. Listen to the dialogue and read it.
                                        2. Try to act out the dialogue with your friend.
                                        1. Preview Unit 2.
                                        2. Listen and recite the text on page 10.
                                        学生对本课的知识很有兴趣。所以,本课除了知识性的内容,介绍这个节日的文化背景也很重要。另外, 本课中“houses”“say”的发音“scare”和“scary”的辨析也是难点,需要加以重视。
                                        本课中有几个难点应该注意, “autumn”前应该用“an”。 “really ”的发音。 “scare” 和“scary” 容易混淆。以上几点应该加以强调。

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