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《新标准英语》第十二册 M3 U1 I took some photos教案

                                        The Ss are able to listen , repeat and understand the dialog.
                                        The Ss are able to listen , say , read and write these words: “funny, quickly, wet, angry
                                        The Ss areable to understand and use these base sentences : I had a very funny day. I took some photos. There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks.
                                        1. The Ss are able to understand and use these base sentences :
                                        I had a very funny day. I took some photos. There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks.
                                        The Ss are able to talk about some things that have happened.
                                        The Ss are able to talk about some things that have happened.
                                        The Ss are able to decide on what to do in English.
                                       The Ss are able to decide on what to do in English.
                                        1.TB:P10Listen, point and find
                                        2. AB: Exercise 1on P10.
                                        1. TB:P11 3. Listen and say. Practise.
                                        2.AB:P11   2, 3,4
                                        1. Warm up:
                                        Say an English chant on P9.
                                        2. Review:
                                        Review the base sentences that they have learned and concern with the new knowledge:
                                        What did you do yesterday?
                                        Where did you go yesterday?
                                        【Review the base sentences that they have learned and concern with the new knowledge.】
                                        3. Presentation:
                                        1) Today we will learn M3 U1. Read the letter yourself and judge the sentence , “This letter is from Daming to Lingling, it’s about Lingling’s Saturday. ”(Present the sentence on the screen) have the Ss read the letter and judge the sentence.
                                        【Help the Ss understand the dialog as a whole one.】
                                       2)Read the first part and judge these sentences.
                                        【Help the Ss understand the dialog one part by one part.】
                                        a. Daming was not happy on Saturday.
                                        b. Daming, Lingling , Simon and Simon’s Mum went to a park on Saturday.
                                        c. Then wanted to have a picnic in the park.
                                        d. There was a big lake and there weren’t any ducks in the park.
                                        (Present the sentences on the screen) have the Ss read the dialog and judge.
                                        3) Now let’s read next part. Pay attention to the question:
                                        a. What was the weather like on that day?
                                        b. Who ate all the sandwiches?
                                       ( show the questions on the screen) have the Ss read the letter and answer the questions.
                                        It was rainy.
                                        The ducks ate the sandwiches.
                                        5) Now read the passage again, pay attention.
                                        a. Did Daming get wet yesterday?
                                        b. Did Daming eat sandwiches?
                                        ( show the questions on the screen)
                                        Yes, he did.
                                        No, he didn’t.
                                        4. Practise:
                                        1) Listen and point.
                                        2)    Listen , point and find “had, went, took , ate”.
                                        3)    Listen , point and repeat.
                                        4)Read the letter themselves.
                                        5. Consolidation.
                                        Finish the activity book of this part.
                                        1. Warm up:
                                        Enjoy an English chant on P13.
                                        A.    Review all the new words of last lesson.
                                        funny, quickly, wet, angry
                                       Read all the words together and read them one by one.
                                        B. Review the text of last lesson:
                                        a.    Listen , point and repeat.
                                        b.    Read the passage.
                                       Have the Ss read the text themselves.
                                        C. Check the Ss’s oral English homework.
                                        【Check the knowledge we have learned and prepare for today’s new knowledge.】
                                        3. Presentation:
                                        1)Look at this picture, they are Daming and Simon. Were they happy?
                                        Yes, they were. So Daming said, “I had a very funny day. ”(show on the Bb) read together and one by one.
                                        2) Look at this picture. What did Daming do?
                                        He took some photos. So he said. “I took some photos.” (show on the Bb) read together and one by one.
                                        3) Look at this picture, what can you see in this picture?
                                       I can see a lake and some ducks.
                                        There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks.
                                        (show on the Bb) read together and one by one.
                                        【Practice the base sentences.】
                                        4. Practise:
                                        ) Listen and repeat activity 2.
                                        2) Finish activity 3 on P11.
                                        Talk about the last weekend.
                                        ate, was, had, went, wanted, ran, rained, were, took
                                        I went to Beihai Park last Sunday. It was sunny. I took some photos.
                                        3) Pair work.
                                        Have the Ss say their weekends with their partners.
                                        【Consolidate the base sentences.】
                                        5. Consolidation:
                                       Finish the activity book of this part.
                                        1)    When did they have a funny day?
                                        2)    Where did they go ?
                                        3)    What did they take?
                                        4)    What was the weather like?
                                        5)    Who ate the sandwiches?
                                        1. Listen , point and repeat activity 1 ten times.
                                        2. Write each words for eight times.
                                        3. Copy and translate activity 1.
                                        1.Recite the text in activity 1.
                                        2. Write the sentences on P2 three times.
                                        3. Prepare for acting out the dialog.
                                        M3 U1 I took some photos.
                                       quickly 很快地
                                       wet 湿的
                                        angry 生气的
                                        M3 U1 I took some photos.
                                        I had a very funny day.
                                        I took some photos.
                                        There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks.

        《新标准英语》第十二册 Module 1 Unit1 I want a hot dog教案
        《新标准英语》第十二册M2 U2 It’s going to rain教案
        《新标准英语》第十二册M2 U1 We’re going to have a picnic教案
        《新标准英语》第十二册 M1 U2 What do you want to eat教案
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