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《新标准英语》第十二册 M6 U1 I bought a book for you教案

                                        The Ss are able to listen , repeat and understand the dialog.
                                        The Ss are able to listen , say , read and write these words: “
                                        middle, really, study, Geography, useful
                                        The Ss areable to understand and use these base sentences : Are you going to go to middle school? Yes. I’m really excited.
                                        I will miss you. I will miss you too.
                                        1. The Ss are able to understand and use these base sentences :
                                        Are you going to go to middle school? Yes. I’m really excited.
                                        I will miss you. I will miss you too.
                                        The Ss are able to say their plans in English.
                                        The Ss are able to talk about talk about their plans.
                                        The Ss are able to be generous.
                                       The Ss are able to do things designedly.
                                        1.TB:P38 Listen, point and find
                                        2. AB: Exercise 1 2on P38.
                                        1. TB:P39Listen and say. Practise.
                                        2.AB:P39   3,4
                                        1. Warm up:
                                        Say a chant on P41.
                                       2. Presentation:
                                        1) Present the title.
                                        2) This time , let’s watch the video and answer this question.
                                        3) Present the base sentence. Lingling is going to go to middle school. Are you going to go to middle school this September?
                                        Are you excited?
                                        Lingling is excited too. So she said, “I’m really excited.” (show on the Bb)
                                        Pair work: Practise in pairs.
                                        4) Present new words, “study, history,Geography”
                                        5) Let’s watch the first part and answer these two questions.
                                        6) Open your books and turn to page 38. Read the thrid part and judge these three sentences.
                                        7) Let’s watch the last part and answer these two questions.
                                        8) Present next two sentence patterns.
                                        【Help the Ss understand the dialog one part by one part.】
                                        4. Practise:
                                        1) Listen point and find “going to”.
                                        2)      Listen , point and repeat.
                                        3)      Read the dialog in your three Ss group.
                                        4) Read the dialog in roles in class.
                                        5) Game. ( Activity 3 in Ss’ book)
                                        5. Consolidation.
                                        1) Listen and guess. What is she or he going to do.
                                        2) Composition.
                                        a. Boys and girls , summer vaccation is coming. What are you going to do this summer? You are going to go to middle school. What are you going to do at your middle school? Maybe you are going to have a farewell party. What are you going to do at the party?
                                        (make an example first, have the Ss practise in pairs first )
                                        b. Write it down.
                                        1. Warm up:
                                        Enjoy an English chant on P41.
                                        2. Review:
                                        A.   Review all the new words of last lesson.
                                        middle, really, study, Geography, useful
                                        Read all the words together and read them one by one.
                                        B. Review the text of last lesson:
                                        a.       Listen , point and repeat.
                                        b.      Read the passage.
                                       Have the Ss read the text themselves.
                                        C. Check the Ss’s oral English homework.
                                        【Check the knowledge we have learned and prepare for today’s new knowledge.】
                                        3. Presentation:
                                        1)Amy , Sam and Lingling are going to go to middle school this September. Are you going to go middle school this September?
                                       (show on the Bb)
                                        Are you excited?
                                        Yes, I’m really excited.
                                        Read together and one by one.
                                        2) You are going to go to middle school , I will miss you. I will miss you , too. (Show on the Bb. Read together and one by one.)
                                        4. Practise:
                                        1) Listen and repeat activity 2.
                                        2) Finish activity 3 on P39.
                                        Where are you going to go this summer?
                                        I’m going to go to …
                                        What are you going to do?
                                        I’m going to…
                                        Pair work:
                                        Have the Ss practice in paris.
                                        3) Let’s play another game.
                                        One student come here, look at the English phrase, and the others guess . Are you going to …?
                                        (sing and dance, play chess, wash your trousers, pick peaches)
                                        5. Consolidation:
                                       Finish the activity book of this part.
                                        1. Listen , point and repeat activity 1 ten times.
                                        2. Composition. Write a letter, send it to your friend or your teacher.
                                        Write down the words that you want to say to them.
                                        1. Recite the text in activity 1.
                                        2. Read the sentences on P2 three times.
                                        3. Prepare for acting out the dialog.
                                        M10 U1
                                        Are you going to go to middle school?            middle
                                       Yes. I’m really excited.                        really
                                        I will miss you.                              study
                                        I will miss you too.                           Excited
                                        M10 U1 I bought a book for you.
                                        Are you going to go to middle school?
                                        Yes. I’m really excited.
                                        I will miss you.
                                        I will miss you too.

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