小学教育网 发表于 2016-8-10 18:04:57


          一.划出划线部分不同于其他三个的单词 10%
          1.() 1.seat2. read3. bread4. team
          2.()1. apple2. fat   3.china4. bag
          3.()1. this   2. three3. that   4. there
          4.()1.side   2. library3. right4. hospital
          5.()1. what2. where   3.whom4.when
          6.()1. must2. uncle3. busy4. bus
          7.()1.go2. dog3. hot4. off
          8.()1. country2. cinema3. cat4. class
          9.()1. then2. every3. remember4. next
          10. ()1. please2. season3. great4. east
          二.把单词补充完整 10%
          1.tr_f_ic   2.libr_ _y   3.Aust_ _lia4.magaz_n_    5.diff_ _ence
          6. h_sp_tal7.di_tion_ry   8.t_g_ther9.str_ _ht   10. new_p_per
          三.连词成句,注意标点 10%
          1. howcinematogodoonyouSundaysMike
          4.the   is   whereofficepost
          5.areyou   whattoonthe    goingdoweekend
          四.选词填空. 12%
          1. _____ is he going with ?   His father.
          2. _____are you going to do ?WatchingTV.
          3._____are you ?I am fine .
          4._____ do you get here on foot ?Because my home is not far away.
          5. _____do you get up today?At 6:00.
          6. _____colour do you like best?Yellow.
          7. _____is your school?It‘s over there.
          8. _____is your math teacher?Mr Shen.
          Ⅰ栏                        Ⅱ栏
          ()1.Where is the cinema?             A.By bus.
          ()2.How can I get there?            B.He’s a teacher.
          ()3.Is it far away from here?         C.Watching TV.
          ()4.How do you go to school?          D.No,I can‘t.
          ()5.What’s your father‘s work?         E.Yes,I do.
          ()6.Is there a bus over there?         F.You can ask the man.He know the No.
          ()7.What are you going to do?         G..Yes,it is.
          ()8.How can I know the No.?          H.On foot.
          ()9.Can you spell it?               I.It’s next to the hospital.
          ()10.Do you like English?             J.No,there isn‘t.
          1.I _____ (go) to school by bike.
          2.What _____(do) he do on Sundays.
          3.You _____ (can)get there on foot.
          4.When are you going to _____ (swim)?
          5.We _____ (have)lunch at 12:00.
          6.He must _____(wait)here.
          7.My father_____ (like)Chinese.
          8.He _____ (drive)a car.
          七.先把错误的地方圈出来,再在原句上改过来 12%
          1.What does you do on weekend?
          2.How can I get there.
          3.He go to school on foot.
          4.My father and my mother is teachers.
          5.What are you go to do this afternoon?
          6.Can you get there in 6:00?
          Zhang Peng is asking to a policeman.
          Z: Excuse me, sir. Is there a bookstore near here?
          P: No, there isn’t. But there is one next to the hospital.
          Z: Where is the post office, please?
          P: It‘s west of the hospital.
          Z: Is it far from here?
          P: Yes.
          Z: How can I get there?
          P: First, turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross(穿过) the street. You’ll be in front of the post office.
          Z: Thank you.   P: You‘re welcome.
          (    ) 1 There is a bookstore near the school.
          (    ) 2 The post office is next to the bookstore.
          (    ) 3 The post office is west of the hospital.
          (    ) 4 Zhang Peng walks to the bookstore.
          (    ) 5 Zhang Peng asks a policeman for help.
          要求:1.请用be going to 句式写话.
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