小学教育网 发表于 2016-8-10 18:04:32


  ⑤动词like, hate, prefer等后面,如表示一般性动作,多用-ing分词;如指特定的具体的某次动作,多用不定式。如:
  I like swimming, but I don’t like to swim with you. 我喜欢游泳,但我不喜欢和你一起游泳。
  I prefer walking to school every day. 我情愿每天步行去学校。
  I prefer to stay at home today. 今天我情愿呆在家里。
  ⑥动词begin, start后面,如表示有意识地开始做某事,常用-ing分词,否则用不定式更多一些。如:
  We began to do that job last year. 我们去年开始做那工作的。
  They started talking about the film at once. 他们立刻开始谈论那部电影。
  a. 当start, begin本身用于进行时态时。
  When the teacher came into the room, he was starting to write to his parents.
  b. 当start, begin后接表示心理活动的动词时。
  Hearing the news, he started to think of a good way to solve the problem.
  c. 当句子的主语是无生命的东西时。
  We were about to leave when it began to rain. 我们正准备离开,天开始下雨了。
  7. -ing分词作表语的两种不同含义:
  Their job is building houses. 他们的工作是盖房子。
  The real question is getting to know the needs of the people. 真正的问题是了解人民的需要。
  This story is very interesting. 这故事很有趣。
  The problem is quite puzzling. 这个问题很令人困惑。
  reading material 阅读材料 walking stick 手杖 fishing pole 鱼杆
  flying suit 飞行服 writing table 写字台 listening practice 听力训练
  developing countries = countries that are developing 发展中国家
  a growing city = a city that is growing 发展着的城市
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