小学教育网 发表于 2016-8-10 18:04:26


  1、省略主语 祈使句中主语通常省略;其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。
  (1) (I) Thank you for your help.
  (2) (I) See you tomorrow.
  (3) (It) Doesn’t matter.
  (4) (I) Beg your pardon
  (1) (There is) No smoking .
  (2) (Is there) Anything wrong ?
  (3) (Will you) Have a smoke ?
  (4) What/How (do you think) about a cup of tea ?
  (5) Why (do you) not say hello to him ?
  (1) –Are you going there? --Yes, I’d like to (go there).
  (2) He didn’t give me the chance, though he had promised to (give me the chance).
  (3) –Are you an engineer? --No, but I want to be.
  (4) –He hasn’t finished the task yet. --Well, he ought to have.
  (1) –Are you thirsty? --Yes, I am (thirsty).
  (2) His brother isn’t lazy, nor is his sister (lazy).
  (1) Let’s meet at the same place as (we met) yesterday.
  (2) –-Have you finished your work ?
  ---(I have) Not (finished my work) yet.
  (1) ( I’m ) Sorry to hear you are ill.
  (2) ( It’s a ) Pity that he missed such a good chance.
  (1) –Is he coming back tonight? --I think so.
  (2) –She must be busy now? --If so, she can’t go with us.
  (3) –Is she feeling better today? --I’m afraid not.
  (4) –Do you think he will attend the meeting? --I guess not.
  这种用法常见的有:How so? Why so? Is that so? I hope so. He said so.及I suppose/believe/hope not.
  (1) My father is a doctor and my mother (is) a nurse.
  (2) I study at college and my sister (studies) at high school.
  (3) When summer comes, the day is getting longer and longer, and the night (is getting) shorter and shorter.
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查看完整版本: 英语语法——省略1