小学教育网 发表于 2016-8-10 18:03:56


Convince   fragment   manual    fantastic      monk
Bounce      dye         estimate    emotional   dim
Impressive   subtle      anticipate   surgeon      comedy
Litter         conspire   advent      hoax         lull
1.The accumulating evidence made the experts ___ the animal was a puma.
a、to think  b、thinking  c、think  d、thought
2.   ______ the first sentence, the editor refused to publish the article.
a、Reading  b、Having read c、He read  d、Being read
3.______ so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in an enclosure.
a、With   b、Being   c、Because    d、Having
4.   In those days, ______ ‘prizefighters’ because they fought with bare fists for prize money.
a、they called boxers    b、boxers called
c、boxers being called    d、they were called boxers
5.No one thought she ______ sink, for she had sixteen watertight compartments.
a、would be possible to   b、would be able to
c、should      d、could possibly
6.I gave him fifty pence yesterday and advised him he ______ it.
a、saves   b、should save   c、would save
d、was saving
7.People are quite illogical when ______ deciding what …
a、it comes to   b、they come to   c、they come
d、coming to
8. We often read in novels of a seemingly respectable person or family ______ some      terrible secret
a、having   b、has   c、whom has   d、that they have
9.We often speak contemptuously _____ tramps
a、for   b、on   c、to   d、of
10.   But I decided to get off the boat______ anything.
a、before I should buy   b、until I was buying
c、until I had bought    d、before buying
11.He had no sooner arrived there ______ pestering his doctor..
a、and then he began   b、than he began
c、he began      d、to begin
12.He insisted ______ the money before he left.
a、that the assistantcount   b、the assistant to count
c、to count     d、to be counted
13.   He asked a number of important critics to come _____ his private collection.
a、and see  b、seeing  c、see   d、so they saw
14.Rare antiques are beautifully displayed in cases ______ them free from dust.
a、which are keeping   b、which keep
c、who keep      d、and kept
15.______ the cap, he put the bottle to his nostrils.
a、Having unscrewed    b、Unscrewed
c、Being unscrewed    d、With unscrewed Vocabulary
16.   He Pro vided his readers with a series of coincidences, ______ wildly improbable.
a、mostly being     b、most of which
c、most of them     d、which would be most
17.______ there, he found a great deal to interest him.
a、This being his first visit   b、Never having been before
c、This was his first visit   d、Having never been before
18.The dealer told him it _____ him£50.
a、cost   b、had cost  c、will cost  d、would cost
19. He believed ______ a car as fast as it could possibly go.
a、driving in   b、he would drive
c、to drive   d、in driving
20.   ______ when the boulders suddenly disappeared.
a、How relieved we felt   b、What a relief we were feeling
c、So relieved we felt   d、How we felt relieved
1. Armed with a hammer, they two went into a house to see what had happened.
2. She likes rooms decorated with pretty ribbons.
3. Weather permitting, we will go on a picnic tomorrow.
4. Birds of the same feather flock together.
5. One man’s meal is another one’s poison.
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