小学教育网 发表于 2016-8-10 18:03:55


一、 词汇:
1. The police (   )walking () the road.
A. are …passB .is… pastC. were…passD. were…past
2. I look forward to the day () my father will return.
A. whereB. whenC. thatD. which
3. I find () a good person.
A. he   B. sheC. hisD. him
4. He got () anger that he went away.
A. such aB. such anC. so aD. such
5. The football match last night was very ().
A. excitingB. excitedC .excitD. exit
6. She will () stay here ().
A. not…any moreB. not…no moreC. not…any longerD. not…no longer
7. Jane is an athlete, () once crossed the desert by herself.
A. whomB. whoC. thatD.whose
8. Diana heard a girl () in the kitchen.
A. sungB. singingC. sangD. song
9. The assistant said to me, “You can (   ).”
A. try on themB. try them onC. dress themD. suit them
10. If he () a bird, he () to America.
A. were…would flewB. was…would flyC.were…will flyD. were…would fly
11. How () did he finish the job.
A. goodB. wellC. niceD. goodly
12. () the door unlocked, Jane went into the room.
A. findingB. foundC. is findingD. being finding
13. The little boy admitted () the bottle.
A. breakB. breakingC. brokeD. has broken
14. Can you see that woman () the blue coat?
A. withB. inC. onD. of
15. I told him to fetch the mattress () me.
A. forB. toC. withD. on
16. I shall have completed this novel (   ).
A. in next JuneB. next JuneC. by next JuneD. for next June
17. Diana () in terror when she saw the snake.
A. drew upB. drew inC. drew onD. drew back
18. Did the dust () thick on the desk?
A. layB. lieC. lainD. laid
19. I () a great progress during the course.
A. have madeB. have been madeC. makeD. have done
1.his piano has belonged to our family for a long time.
2. Will you be having dinner with me?
3. The waiting car is on the other side of the square.
4. It was more than I could bear.
5. The found bomber was rare and worth rescuing.
6. Knowing you are young, I forgive you.
7. It was not long before the police arrived on the scene.
8. He should have known his father would never allow this sort of thing.
9. He is said to be a genius.
10. Fancy her writing a letter like that!
1. 既不会读,也不会写。
2. 这些脏的窗户需要洗刷。
3. 他跑得很快,我跟不上他。
4. 我觉得约翰不是个好人。
5. 他打扮成一个有钱人,开着一辆时髦的小车,沿着城里的主要街道出发了。
6. 虽然他跑得很快,但他没在比赛中获胜。
7. 这是去年建的那个酒店。
8. 他意识到他犯了一个严重的错误。
9. 如果你昨天多穿点衣服,你就不会感冒了。
10. 老师走进教室,我跟在后面。
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