小学教育网 发表于 2016-8-10 17:53:48

小学三年级英语作文范文:My Classmates

 My Classmates
          I like to go to school.
          All of the boys in my class are outgoing.
          I like my school life very much, because I can do lots of thing with my classmates.
          Peter 的文章:
          I like to go to school. There are many activities I can do at school with my classmates. We can play sports or music or act in a play. Sometimes we have to write a team project or geography or science class. If our project takes the prize of a competition in school, we will win prizes like dictionaries or computer games. All of the boys in my class are outgoing. My classmates and I like to watch sports games and enjoy outdoor activities. We like to play basketball and skate with our friends. I like my school life very much, because I can do lots of thing with my classmates. I get to spend time with them. They are not only my classmates but also my best friends.
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