幼教网 发表于 2016-8-9 21:53:50


一. 听力部分
  1. 选出你所听到的内容,把序号填入括号内10%
  1) ( ) A. glass B. glasses C. grass
  2) ( ) A. close B. cold C. climb
  3) ( ) A. sketch-book B. exercise book C. English book
  4) ( ) A. fountain B. friend C. plant house
  5) ( ) A. feed the birds B. feed the hens C. feed the chicks
  6) ( ) A. How many boys? There are sixteen. B. How many boys? There are six.
  7) ( ) A. Draw a dress behind a prawn. B. Draw a prawn behind a dress.
  8) ( ) A. I have fourteen stars and four circles. B. I have fourteen stars and four squares.
  9) ( ) A. Count the hoops. There are eighteen. B. How many ropes. There are eight.
  10) ( ) A. This is a rectangle. It’s blue. B. It’s a triangle. It’s blue.
  2. 选出正确的应答句,把序号填入括号内5%
  1) ( ) A. She’s a dentist. B. She’s got ten books.
  2) ( ) A. Don’t pick the flowers. B. I’m sorry.
  3) ( ) A. It’s in the aviary. B. They are in the aviary.
  4) ( ) A. There are four eggs. B. They are four eggs.
  5) ( ) A. I have got some bread. B. She has got some bread.
  3. 听短文判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示5%
  1) Fuxing Park isn’t big. ( )
  2) There’s a fountain in Fuxing Park. ( )
  3) We can’t climb the big trees. ( )
  4) The swings are under the trees. ( )
  5) We can’t play on the swing. ( )
  4. 填入所缺的单词10%
  1) _____ _____ you got? A _____ _____ juice.
  2) _____ _____ your coat? _____ _____ the table.
  3) How _____ hoops? _____ are _____hoops.
二. 笔试部分
  1. 正确抄写下列句子7%
  how much is an ice cream its six yuan please
  2. 辨音,用“T”或“F”表示6%
  1) plant branch ( ) 2) hoop school ( )
  3) pick triangle ( ) 4) teacher bread ( )
  5) eleven dentist ( ) 6) aviary chase ( )
  3. 按要求写单词8%
  1) have(第三人称单数) _____ 2) flower(同音词) _____
  3) sandwich(复数 _____ 4) large(近义词) _____
  5) my(同类词) _____ 6) close(反义词) _____
  7) I(宾格) _____ 8) your(人称代词) _____
  4. 按所给单词的适当形式填空10%
  1) The birds _____ (be) on the table.
  2) What _____ (have) your sister got?
  3) _____ (do) climb the trees.
  4) I _____ (have) got a pair of _____ (sunglass).
  5) How many _____ (star)? There _____ (be) one.
  6) _____ (I) parrot _____ (be) in the cage.
  7) How _____ (many) is the bread? It’s ten yuan.
  5. 按要求改写句子10%
  1) She has got ten apples.(改成一般疑问句) __________________
  2) The birds are in the trees.(改成否定句) ____________________
  3) There are fourteen eggs. _______________________________
  4) The cat is on the desk. _________________________________
  5) The butter is twenty yuan. _______________________________
  6. 选择,把答案的序号填入括号内9%
  1) ( ) _____ is the sandwich? It’s three yuan.
  A. How much B. How many C. How much yuan
  2) ( ) There is some _____ and some _____
  A. coffee, biscuit B. coffee, sweets C. sweet, biscuits
  3) ( ) ______ flour? Yes, please.
  A. Many B. A C. Some
  4) ( ) _____ trees? There are ten trees.
  A. How many B. How much C. Count
  5) ( ) Where are _____ trees? On _____ playground.
  A. the, the B. a, the C. a, /
  6) ( ) It’s cold. Please _____ open the window.
  A. can’t B. not C. don’t
  7) ( ) Where _____ the lions? In the cage.
  A. is B. are C. am
  8) ( ) I’ve got _____ juice.
  A. a bottle B. a C. some
  9) ( ) _____ is your hoop? Under the tree.
  A. What B. How much C. Where
  7. 回答问题10%
  1) Where are you? ____________________________
  2) How many doors are there? (两扇) _________________________
  3) How much is the English book? (10元) _______________________
  4) Where is the fountain? (在树下) ____________________________
  5) What have you got? (一瓶水) ____________________________
  8. 阅读理解并判断,用“T”或“F”表示10%
  Look, this is my room. It’s not big. But it’s clean. There is a desk in my room. You can see many books on the desk. There is a vase on the desk, too. And some nice flowers are in the vase. Behind the desk, there is a chair. Now I am sitting on the chair. Beside the desk, there is a bed. It’s clean. I like my room.
  1) I have got a big room. ( )
  2) There are some flowers in my room. ( )
  3) There aren’t any books on the desk. ( )
  4) The desk is behind the chair. ( )
  5) There is a clean bed beside the desk. ( )
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查看完整版本: 小学四年级英语测试卷